What are the steps to applying?
Visit the Study Away Programs office (417-836-6368) at Missouri State and get cleared for study abroad. Let them know you want to participate in the KCP International program in Tokyo, Japan. The Study Away Programs office may have specific information for you to supply before moving forward with the KCP application.
Be sure to apply before the deadline. KCP administration then reviews your application. If it is approved, we email you informing you of the good news and sending you a link to register.
Register for KCP online.
Supply us with information on your housing preference, health, activities, academics, and visa preparation (if applicable) so that we can arrange the best possible experience for you. Please supply all registration information within the first 2–3 weeks of being accepted. The absolute deadline for completing registration is the payment deadline, or 45 days prior to the program start. KCP administration reviews your registration and helps resolve any confusion. You’ll receive an email telling you registration is complete and sending you a link to enroll.
Note: The Personal Bio section is optional for students to complete. We do not share this information, or any information in your application, with other students. KCP staff and teachers use the answers to these questions to get to know a little about you before you arrive and to make your stay in Japan more productive. The information can also be used for housing placement and arrangement of activities and cultural excursions.
Enroll in KCP online.
As soon as you have booked a flight, send us your travel information, so that we know when to expect you and can meet you (if staying in KCP-arranged housing). Do this at least 30 days before program start.
You are now good to go!